“My long recovery from a forearm fracture received at the boxing ring became a powerful signal for the development of an innovative healthcare solution. To reach this goal, I have launched ComeBack Mobility startup by assembling a team of dedicated and inspired professionals. Today, smart crutch tips serve its purpose to assist patients in maintaining correct partial weight-bearing. As CEO, I am proud to acknowledge that the device wins the hearts and minds of stakeholders with an enormous speed.”
that proper rehabilitation is the key to a successful recovery from an injury or surgery
the recovery process safe to optimize a patient’s rehabilitation success. Our weight-bearing service make the recovery process safe and transparent for both doctor and patient
our Crutch Tips Device and Supportive Apps will raise the rehabilitation industry to a whole new level
TV channel “Ukraine 24” about the startup ComeBack Mobility
TV channel “Dnipro” live broadcast Ilya POPOV about smart tips for crutches
7 TV channel: Ilya Popov about the startup ComeBack Mobility
9 TV Channel on Startup ComeBack Mobility and Smart Crutch Tips to Monitor Weight-Bearing
Weight-bearing tracking service to control the load on the injured leg during rehabilitation
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